Redetermine Workflow via FAB Data Report

Redetermine Workflow via FAB Data Report

Use this guide to understand how to reassign Workflow Version used for in-flight Form Instances.

Once WF is redetermined, the in-flight form instances shall follow the newly selected workflow version. As of FAB v3.3.1, there are still no way to automatically determine and display the configuration difference in between listed workflow versions, so it is highly advised to use this functionality with caution and only when necessary.


  1. Go to FAB Data Report (Transaction /IQX/FAB_DATA)

  2. Select the Form Instances for which you want to reassign a new workflow version.

  3. Click on the Redetermine Workflow ( image-20240229-101131.png ) button located in the toolbar menu of Form Headers.


The Redetermination Workflow window will appear, presenting the following details:


The left-side column serves as an informational guide, while the right-side column displays the available workflow version options for redetermining the in-flight form instances.


  1. Click on the new Workflow Version you want your selected form instances to run with.



  1. Enter Revision Comment. The value you enter here will be shown as the Change Comment in the Header Changes table.



  1. If it is your first time to use the Redetermine Workflow functionality, it is highly advised to Simulate Changes first to check for potential errors. Otherwise, you can proceed directly to Redetermine Workflow to update the Form instances and commit the changes.



  1. Upon selecting Simulate Changes or Redetermine Workflow, a pop-up confirmation will be prompted.

Confirmation pop-up for Simulate Changes


  1. Once confirmed, you will be directed to the “Results” tab with expected new workflow data for in-flight form instance/s.

Yellow highlight means simulation was done and the result fields are as shown.


If Simulate Changes was chosen in the previous tab, the Redetermine Workflow button will remain available in the “Results” tab. Otherwise, it will no longer be displayed, and the field highlight will now appear in green color.


  1. If not yet done, click on Redetermine Workflow button to commit changes. A pop-up confirmation will then be triggered. Click on Yes to continue the redetermination.

Confirmation pop-up for Redetermine Workflow


  1. Once confirmed, a pop-up information will be displayed containing the total number of form instances updated. Click on OK button to continue.



  1. The "Results" table will now be shown with Form instance data highlighted in green, indicating that changes have been successfully committed to the related SAP tables and form instance data. Notice that the WF details of the selected form instances are now updated to reflect the chosen workflow version.



  1. At this point, user may also opt to update the approval level, escalation level, and status of the form instance within the new workflow. This can be accomplished by modifying the editable fields in the “Results” table and clicking on the Save (image-20240229-115659.png) button to finalize the changes.


The status indicator for Header Change can be seen at the last column. Yellow warning sign means that no change has been done yet.


Once field values are changed and Save (image-20240229-115659.png) button is clicked, another pop-up confirmation will be displayed. Click on Yes to commit changes.



  1. Once approval level, escalation level and status are updated and saved for the form instance, the indicator in “Header Change” column should also be marked as complete.



  1. To verify changes, user may choose to open the form instance via the hotspot in “Redetermine Workflow” screen or to refresh data in the FAB Data Report.



  1. All change history such as Last WF Instance, Last Approval Level, Last Escalation Level, and Last Status of the form instance will be recorded in the Form Header Change Table (/IQX/FORMHD_CHG). User may also manipulate the Task Completion as necessary to align with the recent workflow redetermination.



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