Adding CSS attributes to your CSS Class

Adding CSS attributes to your CSS Class

To build attributes into the class selector of your CSS Style file you can either enter them

manually or you can make use of the tabs provided by FAB.

When first choosing attributes using the tabs provided in FAB you may find that the attribute that you choose

does not update into the body of the class.

This can be a problem when you are starting to use CSS in your FAB form for the first time or

when adding a new class.

 If you run into this problem then do the following:

  1.  Check that the Class is selected (click on it).

      2.  A recommended option is to name the class and leave the body of it empty.

For example  .sundryHeader{  } followed by update and save.

Come back and select the Class and then use the tabs to add attributes.

Now the attributes chosen on the tab automatically drop into the body of

the class selector.

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