2.3.2 FAB SAP Workflow Template - Import and Configuration
IQX FAB SAP Workflow
The FAB SAP Workflow needs to be setup at each site because transporting it into an established system may cause the numbering of the existing workflows at the site to be overwritten.
Once the workflow is setup as per below steps it can then be used within your FAB Implementation Class to start a workflow and task along with all of the advantages that come with standard SAP workflow functionality. Set the Use with SAP Workflow property of your App to Yes - with Activity Task.
The only responsibility of the FAB developer is to provide the agents of the tasks and the task descriptions.
It is recommended that before you follow the steps below that you have the following pre-requisites available on your system:
YFABDEMO.XML Generic FAB workflow
YFABDEMO2.XML Generic FAB workflow - Decision Step
Package such as ZIQX
Class /IQX/CL_FAB_WORKFLOW_ASSIST installed on your system
Use transaction PFTC_INS and create a new Workflow Template
Press Create
Set Name
Click “Workflow Builder”
Import Workflow from XML File
Import XML (exported from IQX system)
Workflow->Import/Export->Import from XML File
Workflow is imported
Go to Header and change name back to “IQXFAB1”
Press Save
Create FAB Approval Task
Double-click “FAB Approval” activity
Clear out the Task Number and Choose “Create Task”
Enter name “FAB Approval Step”
Create Container Elements:
Set as Import/Export
Basic Data
Set Object Method:
Set Work Item Text
Set Terminating Events
Set Binding of Event
Check and Save
Go Back
Binding is proposed – accept it
Create New Rule
Press “Create”
Note Rule Number
(here 91000008)
Set Rule Number in Workflow Activity
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