Before SAP can communicate with the OneList server, a trusted relationship must be defined between SAP and the server where OneList resides - this must be done by adding the site's 'signing' or 'intermediate' certificate to the SAP Trust Manager. Follow the steps below (screenshots were taken in Chrome):
Start Chrome (or other web browser) and navigate to your OneList approvals site.
Click on the 'lock' icon next to the URL, shown below, and then click on the 'Certificate' menu item:
Navigate to the Certification Path tab:
Once here, you will see the 'site certificate' (* in this case - yours will be different) and the 'signing' / 'intermediary' certificate (immediately preceding the 'site certificate' ). Select the latter certificate (NOT the site certificate), and click on the 'View Certificate' button:
Navigate to the 'Details' tab and click on the 'Copy to File' button:
Follow the steps in the export wizard to save to file to your local machine in a folder of your choice. It may ask you in which format to save the certificate - keeping the default option works well:
Save the certificate:
You should get a 'success' message:
Navigate to transaction STRUST.
In the menu tree on the left, navigate to the node for SSL System Client for Anonymous connections, and double click on the server name under that node:
At the bottom, on the left, you wil find a button to import a certificate:
Using this button, import the signing certificate you saved in a previous step:
The certificate details will be displayed on screen, but it has to be added to the certificate list by clicking on the button shown below:
You should see a success message:
Lastly, 'Save' the certificate (standard save button in the top toolbar) to make the addition of the certificate permanent. You should get this success message:
The simplest way to test that your endpoint has been configured correctly and that the certificate has been installed successfully is by using transaction /IQX/OL_ENDPOINT. Configure the endpoint, then use the 'Test Connection' button:
After successful test:
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