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OneList reports are implemented using SQL stored procedures. 

Input parameters

The stored procedure must have these input parameters no matter how they are used in the reporting logic.

@startDate datetimeNoThe start date of the reporting period.
@enddate datetimeNoThe end date of the reporting period.
@categories nvarchar(max)YesSelected category list separated by a comma, e.g. 'Salesforce Opportunities', 'Purchase Orders'
@users nvarchar(max)YesSelected user names separated by a comma, e.g. 'Approver1', 'Approver2'
@platforms nvarchar(max)YesSelected task action platform list separated by comma, e.g. 'Web', 'Mobile'

Extended properties

The following two extended properties are required for the stored procedure to be selected for reporting:

  • Description;
  • Purpose : - must be one of the following:
    • UsageReport - the stored procedure must implement the chartable report specification below;
    • Export - export only, the stored procedure can produce any result table.

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Chartable report specification

For on-screen chart, the stored procedure must produce the following two tables in the order as a result:

  • The first table contains the charting meta datametadata:
seriesLabelThe name of a column in the data table.Value of this column is grouping for the data series.
xfieldThe name of a column in the data table.Value of this column is used to plot the x-axis
yfieldThe name of a numeric column in the data table.Value of this column is used to plot the y-axis
charttypeFixed string value.

The default chart type. Must be one of the following:

  • Bar
  • Line
  • Pie
  • Radar
  • Doughnut
stackFixed number.0/1 whether the chart should stack the data series.
  • The second table is the data table. This table must have
    • at lease least one numeric column that can be used for the y-axis in the chart;
    • at lease least two other columns to be used for gouping grouping the data series and the x-axis in the chart.
