We suggest the following conventions / standards when working in FAB:
For naming standards and conventions in ABAP, please navigate here.
Data model - naming fields
We recommend different naming strategies for naming data model fields, depending on the source/target of the data field in question.
- When using an OData Service, we recommend matching the name and case of data model field to that of the corresponding field in the OData Service.
- When using ABAP fields (imported from an SAP Function Module / Screen / BDC / Structure or Table) we recommend matching the name of the data model field to the name in the corresponding SAP source / target field. We recommend keeping the name in UPPER CASE.
- When defining these during development, we recommend capitalising the first letter of every word - something like:
Data model - description fields
We often have two fields where the first field contains a code and the second field (used as a label, description or tool-tip, for example) contains the name / description for the code contained in the first field.
To avoid variation (Name vs Description vs Desc vs Descr vs Text vs Xxxx) we recommend always using 'Name'. Therefore:
- In most instances, we recommend that the two fields should be named the same, but the description field has the word 'Name' appended to the end. For example:
CostCenter and CostCenterName
ControllingArea and ControllingAreaName
In instances where a field is named XxxCode or YyyKey (or similar) we recommend dropping the 'Code' or 'Key' and replacing it with 'Name' for the description field, for example:
CompanyCode and CompanyName
CurrencyKey and CurrencyName
Exception: where the word 'Key' describes the field contents is part of the name, as opposed to simply indication that the field contains a code/key, it may remain part of the description field name:PostingKey and PostingKeyName
Data model - explicit typing
It is important to remember that the data model is the 'area of exchange' through which data is effectively passed from the front-end to the back-end, and vice versa. During this process, conversion takes place between the data as it is declared in the front-end and the equivalent data as it is declared in the back-end (in ABAP).
The exception to this is where the field should be declared as a text-type field in both the front- and back-end. In this instance, FAB will assume both to be text in the absence of explicit typing.
Component / Element ID - naming
Please remember that components / elements in your project do not always have to be named explicitly - if no ID is assigned, FAB will assign one at run-time. Where you do want to name these (for readability, for example, or to be able to refer to the component in code) we recommend a flexible approach, using a simple set of rules to determine a 2- or 3-character prefix:
- inpCompanyCode represents an Input field for a Company Code, but
- selCompanyCode represent a Select (dropdown) where a Company Code can be selected from a list.
We recommend the following with regards to icon usage:
Where? | Icon Name | Icon | Suggested tooltip |
Button to exit from an App | system-exit sap-icon://system-exit | Exit | |
Button to return to Fiori (or FAB) Launchpad | home sap-icon://home | Home |