Mininum requirement for resources
Save the "config.yaml" file then run the command below.
kubectl apply -f config.yaml yaml --n namespace onelist
3. Create the Secrete for pulling OneList images
Replace placeholders in the command below and run it.
kubectl create secret docker-registry iqx.acr --docker-server= --docker-username=ACR_USERNAME --docker-password=ACR_PASSWORD --docker-email=YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS --namespace onelist
4. Create the TLS secrete
Run the command below.
kubectl create secret tls tls.onelist --cert YOURCERTIFICATEFILE --key YOURKEYFILE --namespace onelist
5. Deploy OneList containers for the apps and services
Run the 2 commands below.
kubectl appy -f onelist6-deployment.yaml yaml --n namespace onelist
kubectl appy -f onelist6-service.yaml yaml --n namespace onelist
6. Create Nginx ingress service
Run the 2 commands below.
kubectl create -f ingress-nginx-controller.yaml yaml --n namespace onelist
kubectl create -f onelist6-ingress.yaml yaml --n namespace onelist
Upgrade image version
Upgrade all applications