Versions Compared


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The actions are configured in OneList and can be used to represent approval decision made by the user for a specific task for example Approve, Reject, Return, etc. 

Method Parameters

ImportingID_TASK_IDOneList Task ID being actioned (SAP workflow work item ID)
ImportingID_ACTION_BYUser Name that triggered the action
ImportingID_ACTION_IDOneList Action ID
ImportingID_ACTION_COMMENTAction comment entered by the user in OneList
ImportingID_OBJECT_IDThe object ID of the workflow task (generally the SAP document number being actioned)
ExceptionFAILED_TO_ACTIONRaised exception when the action could not be executed

Method Implementation

Custom ABAP logic can be implemented using the import parameters sent by OneList to execute the desired action outcome in SAP. 

As an example, the Release and Reject actions for a Purchase Order approval can be implemented as follow:

Code Block
METHOD execute_action.

    DATA: lo_api TYPE REF TO cl_gbapp_apv_po_api.

    DATA: lt_approval_decision TYPE gbappt_po_approval_decision,
          ls_approval_decision TYPE LINE OF gbappt_po_approval_decision,
          ls_parameter         TYPE LINE OF /iwbep/t_mgw_name_value_pair,
          lt_parameter         TYPE /iwbep/t_mgw_name_value_pair,
          ls_action_result     TYPE gbapps_action_result.

    DATA: ld_po_number TYPE bapimmpara-po_number,
          ld_rel_code  TYPE bapimmpara-po_rel_cod.

    ld_po_number = id_object_id.
    ld_rel_code = me->get_po_rel_code( id_po_number = ld_po_number ).

    lo_api = cl_gbapp_apv_po_api=>get_instance( ).

    CHECK ld_rel_code IS NOT INITIAL.

    CLEAR ls_approval_decision.
    CLEAR lt_approval_decision.
    ls_approval_decision-workitem_id = id_task_id.

    CASE id_action_id.
        ls_approval_decision-decision = '0001'.
        ls_approval_decision-approval_text = id_action_comment.

      WHEN 'REJECT'.
        ls_approval_decision-decision = '0002'.
        ls_approval_decision-rejection_text = id_action_comment.

    APPEND ls_approval_decision TO lt_approval_decision.

        lo_api->set_decision( EXPORTING it_approval_decision = lt_approval_decision
                              IMPORTING es_action_result     = ls_action_result ).
      CATCH /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception .
        RAISE failed_to_action.

