Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Prior to Version Before FAB version 3.3, when deploying a new workflow definition was implemented in production , any automatically updates all in-progress live form instances were automatically updated on deployment to adhere to the new workflow design. This had the potential to lead to complications with existing in-flight workflows if the cut-over was not carefully handled.To Provide choice and control over workflow changes, V3.3 implements a new process to prevent in-flight workflow instances from automatically adopting the latest FAB workflow changes introduced in production. By default, existing instances in production will maintain their original workflow definition as assigned at the time of submission (creation of the instance), ensuring in-flight workflows can complete without interruption or update. Similarly, new instances will automatically adopt the most recent available workflow definition, maintaining consistency across the project lifecycle. Lastly, the ability for prior instances to be updated to the latest version is made available in the FAB Data report., potentially causing issues due to differences in task configurations.

FAB v3.3 introduces Workflow Versioning, allowing control over which workflow definition a form instance uses. It records workflow definition changes and shows the current workflow being used for each form instance.

By default, in-progress form instances keep their original workflow definition, avoiding interruptions. while new instances adopt the latest workflow definition, ensuring consistency.

Auto-Versioning (FAB v3.3)

Changing the workflow definition automatically increments the WF version.To creates new Workflow Definition Instance in table /IQX/FAB_WF_INST and directly links it to tables /IQX/FORMHD_INST and /IQX/FAB_WF via fields WF_INSTANCE and MD5_CHECKSUM, respectively.

If you are running on FAB 3.3 version and wants to deactivate this feature, follow these steps:

Revised WF Versioning (FAB v3.3.1)

With the introduction of Non-Breakable Workflow design in FAB version 3.3, any modifications made to workflows changes to workflow definitions in development now automatically trigger versioning. This results in the creation of workflow versioning, creating a new workflow version instance each time changes to the WF definition changes are saved. While this This ensures version control , it presents challenges during the but complicates development and testing phases where numerous modifications and test instances result in many versions.Moreover, tracking and monitoring due to the creation of many workflow instances.

Tracking the specific workflow version used at the time when a form instance was created has also become difficult.

To address these issues, we have enhanced the revision process for workflow versions. We have workflow versioning process and introduced a new API to collect the deep structure of revision fields and to facilitate workflow version control . This API collects detailed versioning data and helps control workflow versions for in-flight progress form instances.

Below is the relational deep structure from the Project App level to the Workflow Version level.



Table Field

Release Notes

Project Form App

In every Project Form App, there may exist multiple Form Iterations.


AS-IS logic before FAB 3.3

Form Iteration


Form Iteration

can accommodate multiple Workflow IDs intended for future Alternate Workflows. Form Iteration

Workflow Version

value increments whenever user saves the form app via 'SAVE (new iteration)' button or form is transported through systems.

Each Form Iteration can accommodate multiple Workflow IDs intended for future Alternate Workflows.


AS-IS logic before FAB 3.3

Workflow ID

Since the Alternate Workflow functionality has not been released yet, Workflow IDs as of FAB released v3.3.1 will consistently remain set to '1'.


Within each Workflow ID, numerous Workflow Versions can be found.


Workflow Version

All workflow versions available for each Form App can now be easily viewed via the new workflow designer. See Process Designer | WF Version List

A Workflow Version can be Editable or Active/Locked.


Added logic on FAB 3.3.1

Related Tables

/IQX/FAB_WF - FAB Enhanced Workflow Definition

  • Adds As of FAB v3.3.1, this table adds new line for every new combination set of Project App>Form Iteration>WF ID>WF VersionModifies . It also modifies existing lines for every modification change done on the existing WF Versions. Change Date and Timestamps are recorded in fields with pattern MODIFIED_*

  • Notable Fields:

    • ZFORM_NAME: Form App

    • ZITERATION_NO: Form Iteration

    • ID: Workflow ID (Always set to '1' as of FAB v3.3.1)

    • MD5_CHECKSUM: Unique character identifier of Active Workflow Versions

    • VERSION_ID: Workflow Version

  • Description Fields:

    • ITERATION_DESC: Form Iteration Description

    • ZID: Workflow ID Description

    • VERSION_DESC: Workflow Version Description (editable via new workflow designer)

    • DESCRIPTION: Project Form App Description

  • Status Fields:

    • IS_ACTIVE: Sets to 'X' (TRUE) when WF Version is in Active or Locked status

    • IS_RELEASED: Sets to 'X' (TRUE) when WF Version is released and transported


When no Workflow Version is activated yet for the Project Form Application, the Workflow Instance ID (/IQX/FAB_WF-MD5_CHECKSUM) will be set to the “fallback” value:
WF Instance = FormName + IterationNo+ WF_ID + WFVersion_ID

Form Instances submitted for WF Versions with Editable status will have this fallback value as their unique MD5_CHECKSUM.

/IQX/FAB_WF_INST - FAB - Enhanced Workflow Instance (


Table released in FAB v3.3)

  • To store As of FAB v3.3.1, this table stores the definition snapshot every time WF Definition is activated.

  • As of FAB v3.3, this table stores the definition snapshot of WF Definition when a FAB Form instance is submitted.

  • Notable Fields:

    • WF_INSTANCE: Contains the same value as /IQX/FAB_WF-MD5_CHECKSUM

    • ZFORM_NAME: Form App

    • ZITERATION_NO: Form Iteration

    • ID: Workflow ID (Always set to '1' as of FAB v3.3.1)

  • Description Fields:

    • VERSION_DESC: Workflow Version Description (editable via new workflow designer)


  • Run-time values of created Form App Instances

  • Notable Fields:

    • ZFORM_NAME: Form App

    • ZINSTANCE: Form Instance


      • Unique Workflow Version Identifier on which the Form Instance is currently running

      • Contains the same value as /IQX/FAB_WF-MD5_CHECKSUM

Developer Guide


More Information

To know more the differences between data fields for different FAB release version, please check FAB Process Flow Version Comparison.